For this week I read Princess Jellyfish. I have read romance or off romance manga in the past, but I haven't read one like Princess Jellyfish. I really liked what I've read so far of it and plan finishing it, I may switch to the anime just for easier viewing but I don't know. I love when manga explores unconventional things in genres and Kuranosuke cross dressing but still being the girly girl was a very cool switch up. Kura is almost the opposite to the girls living in the apartment in almost every way, he's rich, they're poor, he's more girly, they're not traditionally girly, but they each learn from each other and grow.
First off I'm a salmon avocado roll. 1. I really liked this story. I think its length was perfect, overall though I found it somewhat sad. Maybe it was because of how it was drawn, or because there for most of the story nothing good really happened I just found the whole thing somewhat depressing. This could also be because I'm ending my college time, I'm actually going to become a real adult that this story spoke to me. How you can't be a kid forever but also that you can. I don't totally know but I did really enjoy reading it. 2. I was definitely able to connect to the general theme of growing up that I found in the story. As artists, I feel like we walk a fine edge between adulthood and childhood all the best stories and imaginative ideas I think come from a place in our heads that we've always had but was most active during the younger years. I also related to how Ildeung experience with grades and expectations, though I never have been as intense as stu...
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